Child & Youth Educational Services
Creating a future of possibilities for children and youth

Supporting children and families since 2002
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Wendy LaRose is a social worker, mother of two children, a child and family advocate, and the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of CTO Child & Youth Educational Services where she is currently advocating for children, youth and their families who encounter challenges in Ontario's Public Education System. While teaching Toronto Metropolitan University students about community development, she is also the Lead Peer Parent Coordinator for Toronto Parents for Childcare which works to address systemic childcare issues and advocate for affordable and accessible quality child care across Ontario. Wendy began working with young children and their families within marginalized communities in a number of not-for-profit organizations across the Greater Toronto Area. She then went on to work for The Region of Peel where she brought her expertise into private government centres, where she spent most of her time supporting special needs children and their families.
Her passion led her into the Public Education System at Peel District School Board and has extended her education and experience in working in Child Welfare and the Federal Criminal Justice System in Canada. She recently compiled a 70+ page resource document for Correctional Service Canada's Black Offender Strategy Project, which is used in Parole Offices and in Community Residential Facilities.
Wendy has always had an interest in working with children and their families and is passionate about the educational attainment of students. She believes that every child deserves to be given opportunities to reach their fullest potential which can be done with the support of parents, and their child's school. Wendy emphasizes the need for students and their families to access resources, specifically for navigating social institutions such as the education system and beyond. She has witnessed many parents feeling pressured and overwhelmed when teachers and administrators contact them about their child's learning. As a result, many parents attempt to physically discipline their children for the purpose of changed behaviour. Wendy believes this is not the answer. Research explains that "as much as there may be a desire for parents' to love and protect their children, it is through physically punishing them to prove this to encourage educational achievement." Wendy challenges parents to consider this and how their parenting styles may negatively impact their children.
Wendy's vision is clear - early intervention for children, youth and their families to succeed in and outside of the classroom.
Specializing in areas such as;​​
Mental Health
School Issues
Children's Rights
Family Issues
Our Founder &
Chief Executive Officer
CTO is a non-profit organization supporting children, youth and their families who encounter challenges in Ontario's Public Education System.​