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Child & Youth Educational Services
Creating a future of possibilities for children and youth

TDSB data shows us surprising results of the dropout rates in TDSB high schools.

The Toronto District School Board has nearly 16,000 elementary and high school teachers across Canada and serves approximately 246,000 students each year. We examined high school graduation rates, and acknowledge that drop out rates have declined over the past 17 years. However, 14% (more than 2,000 students) between the ages of 13-19 years old, either remain in school a have not graduated within their expected timeframe, or have dropped out. This leaves these groups of students to not experience the pleasure of graduating with their peers they once started school with. This effects more than just a students sense of self, this effects our communities, making an economic impact on us all. (Retrieved from TDSB website 2013-2018 cohort)
We are interested in closing these gaps, providing early intervention, supporting teachers who are overwhelmed by challenges in the classroom, more importantly, assisting students who lack motivation, display misconduct, and are seen making trips to the principal's office. Our services will help to target and support underserved students and re-engage early school leavers.
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